For ILCA to develop a contact hours program led by mentor LCs is an excellent
idea, but may take a while.  How about people taking some initiative to
experiment?  This is not esp. risky given the rather broad intrerpretation of
what counts as contact hours.  What I propose is that local affiliates or
individuals network in their area to identify how many candidates are
interested in putting together a program.  Get a place -- wouldn't have to be
fancy or even large.  You would want to have a scale and some equipment
available if you plan to observe some consults. Figure out a way to line up
some moms -- perhaps the local leaders could help.  They could offer a free
consult to a mom with a problem if she's agree to others observing. Then
figure out what you want help with or what you'd like to see or discuss with
an experienced LC.  Call up someone you'd like to establish a mentor
relationship with and see what it would take to get them to the city nearest
you.  You are probably looking at transportation and hotel (unless they are
willing to sleep over at your house,) and whatever they charge per day for
conf. Even if there are 4-5 of you  or 10 of you or whatever putting this
together, its still going to cost, but wont require you to travel.  Education
costs money, and the mentor LCs still have to hassle with the travel part, so
this shouldn't wind up be a huge sacrifice for them.

Another idea is smaller,  less formal confs. which allow for more
free-flowing discussion and q and a.  I am doing one for ex.( and this is not
a plug, just an example of how such things might be visualized) in a few
weeks that is just a slide show.  I am going to show pics of clinical issues
and just let people ask questions about stuff.  I will award contact
certificates and ce hrs for those already certified. I used to love confs
where I could corral someone like Chele or Kittie for a few min. and ask them
my most burning question.  There's too little time for that, altho Lactnet
has certainly helped.

Way back when I was very involved in more political activities I heard
someone say:  Don't mourn, organize!
Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSE, IBCLC
priv. pract. Austin, tx