In a message dated 96-04-23 15:09:00 EDT, Margery writes:

>I wonder if some obstetricians suffer from a sort of
>post-stress reaction brought about by feeling overwhelmed
>and helpless (from lack of knowing non-epidural means of
>relieving a laboring woman's distress) that causes them to
>rely on medications. Many (most?) have only a medical
>model of birth,

I've thought for a long time that this is one more result of a culture that
expects ease and convenience.  We are virtually automatically prescribed
valium (or similar) following emotional trauma (necessary for some, but for
all????)--rather than surrounding the grieving party with loving care .  We
begin giving our children various OTC meds in infancy to relieve discomforts
of even the mildest degree, but that have no real healing properties--often
so they will sleep and we don't have to rock them during the night.  We don't
teach our daughters to listen to their bodies and learn to deal with
menstrual cramps--we buy them Midol.

Following a medicated birth, they run into brfeeding difficulties.  When it
can't be resolved with another pill they give up.

Kathy D can (& will <g>) correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like other
cultures have a much better understanding of pain & suffering *AND* how to
help their loved ones through it.

Cllimbing down,
