Hello friends,
This is another one for the *Would you believe...?* file.
On the heels of the wonderful NBC special touting epidurals-- my supervisor
got a call from the semi-livid head of the  anesthesia department, wanting to
know what I was saying about epidurals.  Apparently they had three moms who
didn't want epidurals based on the information I had given them. ;-)

 I give a orientation for new parents to our hospital. The idea is to
introduce them to our policies and let them know about the classes we offer
plus give them some idea about when to come in etc...   During the lecture I
always bring up epidurals. It usually results in a flurry of discussion.
 Lately I have had a few classes with multips with stories about their
epidural from hell. I let them share and correct any mis-information they may
have.  The midwifery department has asked me to play devil's advocate. (I was
told *They hear so much about how great epidurals are out in the community,
someone has to tell them this thing is not without risks*)  Our current
epidural rate is about 25 % which is a lot less than the national average (I
think Klaus says its 85 to 95%). I'd like to think I have a small part in

 Here's what I say
1) This is not a little shot in your back-- the proceedure involves threading
a small tube up next to your spinal cord. (Amazingly, more women are afraid
of an IV than an epidural. Somehow they don't make the needle connection)
2) As with all things there is some risk involved.
     a) it may slow or stop your labor
     b)  you have to have an IV
     c) Klaus reports that up to 65% have back problems for up to a year
     d) there may be some effects on the baby including feeding difficulties
3) No one should plant the seed that you need one or have to have one before
you are in labor--it should be mother's choice.  Don't decide that you can't
have a baby without an epidural.  If you need it you need it, we don't expect
you to suffer   (blah blah)

Anyway, annesthesia is a little upset about the back problem part (gave them
the reference) what really killed me was this statement :

 *We should not be discouraging the use of epidurals in labor... after all,
they are the community standard.*

Excuse me, but what is that supposed to mean?  Are we a bunch of lemmings
jumping off cliffs because the rest of the pack does? ARRGH

Still trudging along, only it's more uphill some days