
"In spite of much speculation, there's no solid evidence that nursing
past the first year - or even well in the second or third or beyond -
hinders a child's emotional development"  is what you posted from the book
What to expect....

that's like saying, "In spite of much speculation, there's no solid evidence
that the captain was drunk when the ship sank...."  Now guess what.  Everyone
assumes that the captain was drunk....

Their use of the negative surely implies that nursing hinders emotional
development.  And probably people will say they "read it somewhere" just like
the good OB that "read somewhere" that bf beyond a year causes uterine

Sigh.  Much better to curl up with a good Robert Ludlum novel where one
doesn't have to read between all the lines, and one doesn't get angry --
usually, anyway.

By the by, in the Chicago Tribune yesterday (4/19) there was a rather
sarcastic article (rather?  Understatement of the year) about Madonna's
pregnancy, and some silly comments about breastfeeding, including getting a
metal nursing bra.  Oh well, at least the b-word was mentioned.

Jan Barger