d had her first grandaughter on Friday at 1045.  Four hours
later she was sent to Boston with severe cardiac anomoly.  She need lots of
prayers and breastmilk but  they arre not encouraging her to pump.  She had
planned to breastfeed.  Anyone out there work at Boston Childrens??  They
have been wonderful to this family.  Lots of baby contact and they explain
everything.  Mom is under a lot of stress of course and is still
"hemorrhaging".  I only have contact with grandma.  I've told her how this
baby needs breastmilk more than most and  pumping will also help to control
her bleeding.
Why is it that encouraging mom to do this is perceived as an added stress
instead of what we know to be true.  I am so frustrated!!

Thanks for listening,

Jane in N.H.