Hi Lisa,

I work in a small OB unit where I do 24 hours as staff and 9hr as a Lactation
Consultant.  I teach bottlefeeding from a breastfeeding prospective.

 I tell moms to switch sides for even eye muscle development.  That happens
natuarally when you are breastfeeding.

I encourage lots and lots of skin to skin.  When you are bottle feeding you
have to remember to give your baby this.  I tell them to take their shirt(and
bra) off and babies shirt off  and cuddle. This happens every couple of hours
when you are breastfeeding.  Eventho you are choosing to bottlefeed you can
still have the closeness-have your baby rest his head on your breast while he
sucks his bottle.  I can't imagine anyone actualy doing this every time they

 First few feeds-.lf you were breastfeeding your baby would be getting about
a teaspoon of colostrum each time at breast.  I think that bottlefed babies
get overfed in those first days. Nature intended for this system to start up
slowly. Your bottlefed baby may need a pacifier to satisfy his sucking needs
without overfeeding.  Breastfed babies can suck to their hearts content and
not get overfed.

Mom should be doing the majority of your babies feedings.  When you are
breastfeeding  NOONE will ask you if they can feed your baby-when you
bottlefeed EVERYONE asks to feed the baby. Try not to let this happen.

I dont know if this type of teaching ever helps anyone change their mind but
I can't teach it any other way.

I posted my frustration the other day about my best friends grandtr who was
born with a congenital heart defect and mom was not encouraged to
breastfeed.--One of the staff at Childrens said that breast milk would be the
best thing in the world for this baby so she should think about it-this was
on sunday night(born 1045 friday).  Moms immediate response was "of course I
want to what should I do?  And then was sent home to rest!! I know they are
busy saving lives there but I can't belieive they sent her home without a
pump!  I got the Lactina to her the next day-the baby is still critically ill
so please pray or do whatever you do !  Thanks.

Jane Crotteau