I heard a neat story from a woman at church today. She had called me
when her baby was a newborn and wouldn't nurse. Unmedicated, healthy
full term delivery. I went to the hospital and spent a couple of
hours with her and her baby spent a lot of time licking and nuzzling
the breast.  I encouraged her to relax and to allow him to do this
and give him lots of skin-to-skin contact and be patient that this
was probably his way of learning to nurse. Sure enough after leaving
him alone and letting him lick and mouth and nuzzle for an hour or so,
 he latched on and nursed great for the first time at about 12 hours
after birth. It was difficult to stand back and not try to "put" this
baby on the breast, but wait until he was ready.

He is two months old now and chubby, nurses frequently, spits up a
lot, she has tons of milk and he still licks and nuzzles for 10-20
minutes before he latches on to nurse. She said she is thankful that
she was encouraged to be patient with him as a newborn, because he is
now a very happy, content baby as long as she follows his cues. I
thought others might enjoy this success story.  Aren't babies
marvelous when we listen to them?  Cathy Liles