As a childbirth educator,instructor evaluator and LC for 15 years, I
have seen many inconsistancies with educators. Many times they are not
so well informed.  L&D nurses who want to tell moms what will happen to
them "at our house"(the hospital) and this includes BF.  Many need basic
information.  I challange the ones who won't discuss BF in class at all
because they have the BF CLASS to not discuss bottling either.  In my
observations of instructors nationally that I am evaluating, they give
the impression by spending so much time discussing bottlefeeding that it
the cultural norm.  I spend the time in my childbirth class explaining
the differences and why to choose breastfeeding being careful to
acknowledge those who for personal reasons may not want to, but most of
the time even those who thought they didn't want to change after my
talk.   We offer a BF Class that I then refer to and if they have
questions about ABM or bottling I say talk to your ped.