When I read about Stephanie's unfortunate encounter in her nursing class
where the student piped up with "pumping is sick" and the neglect of the
instructor to properly address the comment, I was certainly disappointed.
 However, I wholeheartedly agree with Kathy Dettwyler's suggestions for
Stephanie on how she may turn a bad situation into a win-win situation.

     To react in a punitive manner by writing a strong letter that is CC'd to
the Dean may backfire by leaving this uninformed instructor feeling that
she's been raked over the coals by a breastfeeding supporter.  This letter
would no doubt go into her personal file at the school.  I feel that this
might foster the instructor to develop strong negative attitudes toward the
issue of breastfeeding and  encourage her and her Dean to utilize that phrase
that makes us cringe......"breastfeeding zealots".

     In THIS situation,a gentle but firm approach may be very productive to
change the instructor's attitude and teaching plan without taking a chance
that Stephanie will leave a very bad taste in this woman's mouth for the
breastfeeding process.  Of course, I think Stephanie should explain and give
the references that Kathy A. and Kathy D. suggested.

                                                            Regards in NYC,
Richards-Auslander RNC

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