that breastfeeding does NOT CAUSE CARIES can be proven by evaluating skulls.

Several years ago I developed the following hypothesis.  Using as a source of
reference - page 344 in Valerie Fildes' book "Breasts Bottles & Babies - a
history of infant feeding" in which she states "rubber teats did not come
into general use until the mid-nineteenth century" (approximately 150 years
ago), I hypothesize -
"The severe malocclusions (teeth do not line up properly ) and abfractions
(notches on the teeth mistakenly called "tooth brush abrasion" ) that  are
routinely documented today in civilizations that bottle feed - will NOT be
found on skulls older than 150 years."  I have found this to be true in the
approximately 250 skulls that I have evaluated - some as old as 70,000 years.
 A limited few that I did find that had malocclusions, had classical symptoms
associated with tight frenums.

After communications with Kathy Dettwyler, I have extended that hypothesis to
state - "dental caries will not be found to any great extent on deciduous
(baby) teeth, prior to the invention of the baby bottle."

Once "scientifically documented", this hypothesis would have a SIGNIFICANT
IMPACT on the importance of breastfeeding!

The challenge - I do not have the time nor funding to prove this important
hypothesis.  I/we need to find anthropologists from anywhere in the world who
might be interested in doing this research.  Kathy already has some
interesting leads, and I know where there is a collection of skulls.  They do
need to know what to look for, but I would be happy to advise them and share
my information.  If ANYONE knows of anybody who might be interested, please
contact me or Kathy by private email or regular mail.

This would make a good project for a master's student, or even a Ph.D thesis!

You have my permission to copy this note and give to anyone you feel might be

I will discuss and explain this more during my presentation at the ILCA

"We only see what we know, therefore we must know to serve."

Brian Palmer DDS
4400 Broadway, Ste 514
Kansas City, MO 64111
email - [log in to unmask]