some of you may remember the mother I had with the macerated nipples that
didn't respond to any of the standard thrush meds. I referred her to
dermatology who diagnosed dermatitis with a secondary yeast infection.
 Internal meds did not work. Topical and internal steroids were all of no
avail. The dermatology staff is really stumped and mom has had it. She called
me the other day requestiong information on how to safely dry up her milk.
 She hung in there for 3 months with severe pain. Her nipples still look like
hamburger (pardon the comparison) and the pain keeps her awake at night even
with pain medication.
I wish I had a medal for this gal. She really hung in there when most would
have quit.
PS did anyone here about the cat in New York who kept going into a burning
building for her kittens until every last one was out? Isn't mother love