Dear Jeffrey,
Thanks for sharing your experience with the Ped who came to Breastfeeding
Class!  I can appreciate your exhilaration....I've had numerous experiences
over the years of teaching either Lamaze classes or Breastfeeding classes with
obstetricians, pediatricians, or Ob nurses as students.  It can raise our
anxiety levels.  Fortunately soon after that comes a realization and we see
ourselves making the transition from crisis to opportunity (as in the Chinese
character for "crisis" is also the character for "opportunity").

You were able to use that occasion to do some really good teaching and make
some great points!!!  ....and in sharing it with us you've spread the
exhilaration around.  Yes, there is at least one more breastfeeding-smart
Pediatrician in the world!!!  Think how many babies will benefit from what you
conveyed to that Ped!  Good for you!

Joyce Blangiardo RN, FACCE, IBCLC
in rainy but happy Long Island, NY