Hello Lactnetters!

I have a mom (due this month) that came to my breastpump class this evening &
will be moving to England shortly after delivery.  She will be working and
dad will be at home caring for the little one. She tried to get some info
from LLLI, but still has some questions.  I think I saw this discussed
before, but her main question is about buying an electric pump from here in
the U.S., and being able to plug it in, in Europe.  She isn't sure if she
should just buy one when she gets there, and is also wondering about
availability.  Are there pumps made to work both in U.S. (120V/60Hz) and
Europe (240V/50Hz)?  Is it even possible?

She has also heard that the "standard" size bottles (opening) in
England/Europe is different than U.S. --Anyone have this info?  Private email
would be fine, if responders prefer.  TIA!!!

Sandy Arnold BS, IBCLC
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