
I have been so busy lately I haven't had time to read or write in at all.
However I do have a need that I hope somebody (or many somebodies) can help
me with.  As a non-RN Lactation Consultant I sometimes feel that I am
respected for my training and expertise but nobody quite knows what to do
with me.

My role is increasing all the time at the hospital/medical center where I
work.  Along with this increasing role comes a need to clarify Scope of
Practice and develop some Policies and Proceedures for how I will function.
I am currently beginning to write these and would really appreciate knowing
what else is being used as well as the references for how you came up with
this.  I will be doing my own research, of course, but this seems a
wonderful opportunity to come together and begin to clarify the role of the
hospital based lactation consultant for future LCs.

The three areas that I am, or will be, functioning in are:
        1.  Hospital rounds, inservicing nurses, and working with readmitted
breastfeeding mothers and babies
        2.  Outpatient clinic appointments
        3.  A 72 hour follow-up clinic for all new mothers, especially early

Is there anyone out there who is willing to share their policies and
proceedures and/or scope of practice?  Or just to correspond with me on
this.  Please e-mail me privately as I am too busy to sift through the
Lactnet files each day.

Thanks in advance

Denise Parker, BA, IBCLC
Denise Parker, BA, IBCLC (La Crescenta, CA)
To Avoid Criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing