My 11 yr old daughter Emily is currently homeschooling, as is Martha, my
middle daughter. You can all see why I am pretty busy, with Lactnet etc. : )

She is currently writing a book report, or review, of a book entitled The
Giver, by L. Lowry.  If you have not read this book, I would recommend that
you all take it out of the library and READ it today. It is the 1994 Newbury
award winner.  It is a chilling account of a world with no color, no pain,
no choice...and of a world without love. Not to give too much away, but in
it, the babies are birthed by birth mothers, and then assigned to families.
There is no breastfeeding and no contact of that sort.

Those infants who do not sleep through the night, who bother the "nurturers"
at hours of darkness, are released, ie murdered, as they are an
inconvenience to the community. The "release" process is an amazing
narrative, ....horrible to contemplate.

Even though this book is for young adults, it is meaningful on several
levels, and is a chilling comment on what our society is evolving into. I
would appreciate comments from anyone who has read this book.

A must read.

PS I agree Kathy, that the comet, and its beauty, puts other things into
: /
Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLLeader, co-owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L