To Kathleen and all,

Unfortunately we've had the same experience with the horrible dead animal
stench wafting from underneath our house.  It came through the heating ducts
and in the windows and permeated everywhere.  ugh.  The solution for us was
my husband crawling underneath the house wearing his oldest most ych-job-only
clothes and a mask over his nose and mouth.  It was a long-dead racoon.  He
removed it, had to come up for many lungfuls of fresh air, much swearing and
gesticulating, and then went back down to clean up the maggots.  I'm sorry.
 But this was the only way to definitely and quickly get rid of the problem.

Where we live there is something called Animal Control.  They probably could
have done the job too.  Try looking in the phone book or even calling the
County or City to see if there is a service offered like that if you don't
have someone who would be willing to do the deed.

Best of luck.

Commiseratingly yours,
