Linda:  Has this only been a problem since baby was 4 mos old or has he been FTT
the entire 6 mos?  Did baby have a gag problem during the first 4 mos or did it
just develop?  If so, why?  Has dad become more personally involved with this
baby's caretaking during the past two mos than during the 1st four mos?  Do you
know anything of the development history of the toddler sibling (the recepient
of the hot baths)? I do hope this mom followed your advice to find help from the
shelter.  This situation will NOT get better until she does.  Maybe the D.O. you
referred her to will also encourage her to get help.  Dad sounds like another
one who is into power & control.  Pardon me if I'm overreacting, but my sister
the police detective working family abuse has told me tales...
Good luck on this one.

Phyllis Adamson, BA, IBCLC
Glendale, AZ
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