What would you put in a 30 second radio commercial?  That's the problem I was
given to solve during the weekend -
We are being offered some free time to describe the services of our free bf
clinic (for low-income moms in the clinics) - but I want it to be an
"infomercial" packed with information - then add our number and names at the
end...  Any ideas?

Of course, I thought of following the lead of our politicians and do a "negative
campaign" but that's not really my style...  (usually, though yesterday I scared
a nurse to death when I found her giving formula to a baby whose mom had brought
in breastmilk)  AAAGGHHH  (did I spell that right???).

Please e-mail privately.
Jeanette Panchula, BSW, RN, LLLL, IBCLC
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