Coach Smith here again...A few lecture students recently kept asking "what
ABM would you recommend," 'What nipple/teat is best," and "what alternative
feeding device is best when..."

These are the wrong questions.  The RIGHT question to ask is "why can't this
baby get milk at the breast?" and the energy put into answering THAT
question!!  IMO, 80% of the problems are solved by getting mom and baby
together more. Of the remaining 20%, I believe 80% of those cases are solved
with fixing positioning and latch on.  The very, very few cases left may need
the "emergency kit" of gadgets and manufactured fluids for a short time till
they can get to breast and get milk effectively.

It's as if they were asking "what life jacket is best if you can't swim?" The
answer is "Learn to swim and you won't need one except in true emergencies,
and these are the 10 things to do to prevent the emergencies from happening
in the first place."

Linda Smith, Dayton OH private practice LC