
Yes, giving mothers a choice in their Enhanced Food Packages for Exclusively
Breastfeeding Mothers would be a great idea!  If they have their choice of
cereals, milks and cheese, then why not their choice of vegetables and
seafood? Makes sense to me. When I worked for WIC, there was much ridicule
about the carrots and tuna.  These two items were not eaten often by the WIC
moms in Florida.  Yes, you are right, it takes a long time to educate people
about proper nutrition and an even longer time to get them to actually
change their habits.  Most of us here know  what we should and shouldn't
eat, but do we always eat right?  NO. A lot of us here in the US are
over-fed and we have the weight to prove it!

I am glad you are proud to be a WIC peer counselor. Keep up the good work.
Those women need you.    Pam Wiggins, IBCLC