Why is it that there is so much talk on pharmaceuticals, because america is
hooked on quick fixes. We think that apill or a shot or a bottle will make
us better. Well everyone what it is, is a huge study to see what are human
form will do when all these synthetics are pumped in. From birth a bottle
and needles are put to are children did mother earth intend for us to have
this done? The answer is no, she ment for us to nurture are young with what
she had already provided us with. Mothers milk, best remedy she put here for
us( yes even immunization). She also put disease here for a reason,
population controll in a natural way, not cancer that is totally a man made
pollutant to our body that we brought with all these chemicals.
 Parents dont want to take the time with there children so give them drugs.
I am not happy give me drugs. I have a stomach ache give me drugs. I dont
have the right shape fill my breast with chemicals.
 Why is it that are society is hooked on drugs, because because of all the
hoop-la surrounding the verry manufactures of ABM. These are the people who
shoot us up with all the synthetics from birth. But thank god there are
others out there with good intrest in helping our family become more natural
& come back to our mother for help with our aillments.
 For the issue on mad cow, I am a vegan for two years, and veg. head for
ten...I eat only organic in season produce, and organic in all others. My
husband is still lacto but we get our milk from a local farm whom has free
range animals and are fed from our mother earth!! Not pumped with the same
crap from the companys that I am aggainst.

catherine keenan

p.s. sorry if I offended anyone but it is the truth
catherine keenan