Dear all,

Thought you might like to know how counseling a FTT long distance (a VERY
long distance) went.

Talked to mom again last night.  The first day of FEED THE BABY (minimum 1
ounce every 2 hours), baby gained 3 ounces (98 grams).  the second day, he
gained 67 grams.  Dad went to McAllen TX for business for one day.  I gave
him the name of an IBCLC there and the number of the pump company with
"suggestions" to get at least a mini-electric and an SNS.  Mom called me last
night, said the mini-electric was SO comfortable; she was pumping between
feeds to put in the SNS, and using some formula as well -- which she hated.
 Thanks for the crutch analogy from a while ago, friends -- I was able to use
that -- (also a splint analogy as we had spent the evening in the ER -- Tim
had fallen on his roller blades and did something nasty to his wrist, though
it isn't quite broken.  Ah, what a way to start spring break).

Anyway, baby doing well using SNS, has gained another 2 ounces (total of 7 in
3 days).  Told her she was to continue using it and pumping, and we'd regroup
on Monday night when I get back in town.

So, it looks like this long distance counseling is working.  I DO NOT
recommend it!  I hardly even do phone consultations at all, let alone a FTT.
 But it was a bit far for a home visit....

More anon,
