Marie Davis posted on a discussion of potential harms of soy-based formula.
 The Winter '96 issue of the Infact Newsletter, which arrived here
yesterday, has an article on this, titled "Soy-Formulas Should be Stopped."
 The brief discussion cited two studies done in New Zealand.  They are:
        Clarkson, T.B. Anthony, M.S., Hughes, C.L.  Estrogenic soybean
isoflavins and chronic disease. Risks and benefits. Trends Endocrinol Matab
6:11-16, 1995.
        Irvine, C., Fitzpatrick, M., Robertson, I., and Woodhams, D.  The
potential adverse effects of soybean phytoestrogens in infant feeding.  New
Zealand Medical Journal 108:208-209, 1995.

From the Infact discussion, I'll quote a few sentences:

"Measurement of two phytoestrogens, daidzein and genistein in several
brands of soy-based formulas available in New Zealand, found intakes by
infants to be extremely high.  Intakes were two to three times greater than
amounts required to disrupt the menstrual cycle of premenopausal
women....Rejecting manufacturers claims that soy formulas have been used
for many years without side effects, the authors cite the use of
diethylstilbestrol (DES), which was prescribed to women for three decades
before harmful effects appeared, to highlight their concern of long term
use and effects...."

The Infact Newsletter is available from the Infant Feeding Action
Coalition, 10 Trinity Square, Toronto  M5G 1B1, Canada.  fax: (416)591-9355

Tel: (416)595-9819   e-mail: [log in to unmask]
INFACT Web site:

Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC and LLL Leader in Madison, WI