Well, I have learned the lesson about taking time to cool off and think before
you push that FAX button and send letters to the editor or your local paper and
hospital administration.  I will never do it again!

Not only did they trash my rental station and services that LCs provide but we
now have headlines in our paper that say "Formula feeding is an alternative" and
"Parents must exercise choice."  The OB-GYN nurse says "We do give a booklet on
breastfeeding to the new moms, the booklet is supplied by Mead/Johnson a suplier
of formula, but let me assure you there is no reference to formula feeding
mentioned in the booklet."  URGH!!!!  I have just given up with them.

The hospital has 250 births a year and a high section rate to match.  Their
defense to a letter that I (thank God!) didn't write about giving free formula
to bf moms was replied to as "...the only thing I have come in contact with
(regarding my rental station and services), is free advertising phamphlets to be
made available to class, offering: pump rentals, pumps for sale, and specialty
products for mom and baby...and classes."  I am now done! I don't feel that I
should be required to supply a hospital with bf equipment at my expense so they
will promote and educate about breastfeeding.  I have donated pumps and free
classes in the past and they have flatly rejected it all citing a policy to not
support "commercial ventures."  I took that personally and what about the
formula co. What do you say to this?  I have chosen to do nothing and move out
to a more populated area and submit this posting as an example of what not to do
for someone else.  Any feedback would be appreciated but I can't see what would
repair this situation.

Trying to be positive, at least about selling my house!