Hi Netters,
Thanks for the input Margery,Judy and Arly.
The Client with the Hx of Breast cancer and Reduction surgery feels like she
can't live with a SNS.
Her words after three days was  "apx 30 feeds with a SNS,I feel very,very
emotionally ready to use a bottle".

She was using the sns beautifully ,no soreneess, baby was not sucking on the
tube only,we kept tape on the breast and reattached tape at each feed to the
tape already on the skin. She was allergic to the glue on the tape. This
helped prevent a rash.

She hated the thought of living like this,much too overwhelming,too much to
deal with.

 Cuddles and sleeps without top and is bringing babe to breast for comfort,
she hasn't deceided what she wants to do during the day. She knows her
options that she could bring to breast before bottle feed and comfort. Baby
seems to go back and forth Okay (for now).Breast was imprinted on suck for a

  Mother has many expected issues about breast apperance and the function of
them in her life. She said as a 21 year old she had to make a choice about
not having a radical mastectomy for prevention.  When all she was really
worried about was getting a date.

 She has always slept with her breasts covered with a Tee shirt, never let
anyone see them. Over the past week while nursing she said every family
member including her father and brother-in-law got to see her nursing her
newborn and saw her breasts. She said It made her feel really proud of her
 We talked about breastfeeding bringing meaning to her breasts.
What a special lady.

Ruth Callahan