Hello all!  It's been a long time since I have posted- I am Sue Jacoby, IBCLC
and LLLL with a private practice in Fresno, California.  One the subject of
low iron at six months...  and whether or not the mother's intake can affect
the levels in the milk...  I heard Dr. Wootan, of the LLLI Health Advisory
Board state that the baby's level could be affected by a recent growth spurt.
 Meaning, I assumed, that it might be a good idea to check again in a few
weeks before taking action, especially if the child does not seem ready for

Is there an appreciable difference in readings between kids fed iron
fortified everything (formula, early cereal, etc.) and bf kids?  Like growth
chart discrepencies?

In my LLL Group I have known about a number of mothers who have had their
exclusively BF children, or at least kids on very minimal solids, tested at
around nine months of age in conjunction with a well baby check.  They were
told the baby was "low" and to supplement with iron fortified cereals or
drops.  They ignored this advice (not at my suggestion!) and had their child
retested in a month or two.  Each one, still not taking appreciable solids,
tested within normal ranges.  Is there a natural "dip" at around nine months?
 How serious is this "low" end reading in an otherwise healthy child?
Best wishes- Sue Jacoby, IBCLC