Laurie Dulle mentioned a baby that was keeping formula down, but vomiting
when he received breastmilk.  My one year old was doing the same thing.  On
days that I couldn't pump enough to bring to the daycare the following day,
the daycare staff would supplement him with a bottle of formula.  When I
would feed him at home that evening, he would always vomit up all of the
breastmilk.  I just assumed it was just a delayed allergic reaction to the
formula so I switched him to a soy-based formula and we haven't had the
problem since then.  My supply seems to be back up now so he hasn't needed
any formula for a few weeks now, but for a while he was getting three or
four bottles a week.  As soon as we switched to the soy formula, the
vomiting stopped.

 Donna J. Spannaus-Martin, Ph.D., MT (ASCP)
 Assistant Professor, Clinical Laboratory Sciences
 University of Tennessee, Memphis