I want to throw out a question quickly, although I don't have all
the details yet.  Mother of an 8 1/2 month old boy, up to now nursing
three times a day.  She got sick with low fever, vomiting, and diarrhea
last week and almost immediately noticed a delay in let-down.  Didn't
take any medications.  Since that time it has taken 15 minutes of sucking
to get let-down, sometimes more.  She feels a tingling, but milk doesn't
let down.  She somtimes has to nurse much longer than 15 minutes before
seeing milk.  One day she felt milk spontaneously let down and before she
could run to get the baby it stopped and wouldn't happen again.  She has
tried warm compresses and massage, with little improvement.  Baby has
been quite cooperative, but is getting frustrated with sucking and not
getting milk.  Does anyone have any ideas what could be happening?
Mother can't think of any changes in her life in the past several weeks.
We'd appreciate any input or ideas!

Ruth DeRosa, Frederick, Maryland