From Naomi Baumslag MD MPH

Dear Jan and other Lactnetters:  The Nestle Boycott is still on and so are
the violations by Nestle and others of the Code. The Boycott started in
1977 and ended with promises in 1984 because Nestle was losing money but
as none of the promises were kept the boycott was resumed in 1988 against
Nestle and American Home Products makers of SMA, S-26 and Nursoy. For
details about the boycott see "Milk Money and Madness" by N. Baumslag and
D.  Michels, (Bergin & Garvey) pp154-166; for boycott information see
p227. Note that Action for Corporate Responsibility has moved to
Washington. Thr new contact person is Jan Richter, 202-776-0595. For
recent Nestle violations of the WHO/UNICEF Breast Milk Sustitutes
Marketing Code contact Jan.

Nestle entered the US baby formula market after 1980 with its product
Carnation and has recently bought Poland Spring Water which it is
advertising as a "natural" for mixing with formula or "serving straight
from our bottle to baby's bottle". Now Nestle is trying to capture the US
baby formula market (see WIPHN News; Winter 1995) We thought in 1984
that the companies would adhere to the code but the battle is still being
waged to get every mother to bottlefeed.

They've bottled milk and water. Wait for it - bottled air is coming.

Naomi Baumslag