I saw a proposed study in a magazine I found today called Neonatal
Network (Jo of neonatal nursing) September of 95 issue.  The title was
Bacterial growth in EBM in continuous feeding setups in the NICU.  It was
proposed by Christene M. Evanochko, RNC,BSN from University of Alberta
Hospitals and Faculty of Alberta in Edmonton.  She was going to look at the
contamination factor of thawed ebm over time to find out the bacterial
counts.  Does this ring a bell with anybody - did this study get done or is
it in the process?  This would be helpful for us nursery folk to get a hard
number on how long we can keep thawed ebm for use in boarder babies.

         Destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.
     Debbie Codding, RN   Mother-Infant Unit, Naval Hospital Oak Harbor
        (Whidbey Island), Washington state    [log in to unmask]