I have a mother of an exclusively Bf 6 mo child who was warned to wait 4-5
"1/2 lives" before bf while using Nasalcrom as directed by her allergist 2
sprays each nostril every 6 hours for serious allergy/sinusitis
She is checking back with me tomorrow pm and said she'd rather suffer than
deprive the child. I'm at home, RED BOOK is at work and she gets twenty
differing opinions re: (safe or not) Peds says OK, pharmicist/ob says not,
WiC LC says wait 4-5 "1/2 lives" What gives ????

She's willing to use herbs etc. of which I'm NOT well versed but wish I were.
Thanks All, where it's SUMMER already in the SPACE COAST of FLA....ruthy.
I'll take a little frost on the jonquils over this.......