I believe it was on Lactnet that I first heard that the non-freezer designed
plastic bags are not air tight. (Was this shared by our coach, Linda Smith?)
  I think Margery Wilson's suggestions about trying different storage
containers is a wise one.

Gold Standard.  Another subject that was in process when I joined Lactnet was
using gold ribbons to advertise breastmilk as the gold standard.  I went out
and bought some gold ribbon & gold edged ivory ribbon, and played with the
idea, but couldn't figure out how to make the ribbons get the message out.
 Jan Barger's message "Go for the Gold!" initiated an idea.  What if we had
the gold ribbons with a message button attached that said "Human milk: the
nutritional gold standard for human infants!"

This reminds me of a slogan a friend came up with for a button at a LLL Area
Conference a couple years ago:  "Mom, thanks for the mammaries!"

Kathe Catone, IBCLC, LLLL     [log in to unmask]
S. Calif

PS  Those of you waiting for me to send you things, don't give up!  I haven't
hit the copy store yet!