The post about ABM companies offering contests to hospital staffs reminded
me of another new (?) strategy I've seen.  Slick flyers for M-t--rh--d
Maternity shops (over 200 locations in the U.S.) are displayed in stacks in
the waiting area of a local University-affiliated Women's Health Clinic
here.  These flyers introduce the "E-f---l Family Beginnings" program.  A
detachable card can be mailed in for a 10% savings at the maternity store
while enrolling the sender in the Family Beginnings program.  Also offerred
are "free gifts and good advice."  On the card are spaces to fill out due
date; whether the person intends to breastfeed only, formula-feed only,
breastfeed and formula-feed, or undecided; whether there are allergies in
the family; whether the person plans to participate in WIC; which hospital
or birthing center will be used, and where the flyer was received. I
imagine that those who distribute these flyers get some kind of gift also.
The brochure states:  "...Like a good friend, E-f---l Family Beginnings
anticipates the questions you'll have at each stage of your baby's
development.  Then brings you the answers you need when you need them.
Advice from experts.  Tips from other moms.  A newsletter chock-full of new
ideas.  A toll-free number for help with feeding and nutrition.  Even a pat
on the back."  Also offered are "valuable checks, money-saving discounts
and gift offers.  And with our Rewards program, you can earn points toward
toys, books and little luxuries you and your baby can really use..."

The accompanying flyer of maternity clothes struck me most in that the
models look very elegantly dressed, but barely pregnant.  There is a $10
off coupon.

It is so frustrating that health clinics display and promote these kinds of
materials.  There was no breastfeeding information in evidence.  I spoke
with the head nurse, who told me they did put out LLL meeting information
sheets, but they had disappeared.  Also, she wants to be "evenhanded", so
will continue to put out the ABM flyers.  I will be providing her with a
variety of good breastfeeding information materials, but I cannot supply
them free of charge.
All I can really do is try to awaken a consciousness about the implications
of providing access to patients for ABM companies through our "health care"

Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC and LLL Leader in Madison, WI, where it is
expected to be 15 degrees below 0 F tonight.