Please note that the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (the UNICEF/WHO) one
was endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.  The Breastfeeding
Hospital Initiaive (the watered down one) was not.
The problem now is that all those hospitals with the Certificates of Intent
(my hospital is one) are in the dark as to where to go from here.  We have
not heard from UNICEF for over 6 months.  I am afraid that the initiative is
being lost.....
*  Deena Zimmerman MD MPH                          *
*  Department of Pediatrics                        *
*  UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School        *
*  1 RWJ Place                                     *
*  New Brunswick, NJ 08903                         *
*                                                  *
*      phone (908) 235-7248                        *
*      fax   (908) 235-7345                        *
*      email  [log in to unmask] (internet)        *