Dear Jan -
It sounded like you had a tough day!  I was working on a note to post on
weaning and dental caries, but when I read your note on the case on a tight
frenulum, I thought I would jump in to pick up your spirits.

After my presentation at the ILCA Conference in Kansas City - NOBODY, not
even the physicians, WILL EVER be able to say to you: "It shouldn't be a
problem"!  I will be showing cases where frenums have a devastating effect on
the dentition, on speech, on digestion, and can even be a contributing factor
to a very serious and sometimes deadly condition - obstructive sleep apnea
(OSA).  Frenums are very destructive to the dentition - causing
mal-occlusions (and all the consequences of that) and open bites.  A couple
of years ago I had a lady in her mid forties state she had been on
medications ALL OF HER LIFE for gastric problems and nobody could help her.
 I recommended she be evaluated by a surgeon to consider a frenectomy - she
had the surgery and has not taken a pill since.  I have an elderly patient
who has serious sleep apnea - a contributing factor is his frenum.  NOBODY
can tell you "It shouldn't be a problem"!

Re: - article on dental caries and weaning.  Can someone post the name and
source of the article you have been talking about.  I will read and give you
my comment.  I have some interesting data to tell you already, but I want to
read the article before posting.

I will identify myself each time I post with the phrase "Dental Note"
followed by the topic I will discuss.  I have several I would like to discuss
with you. I just need to find the time.

See you in Kansas City July 11-14.

Brian Palmer, D.D.S.
bpalmer@[log in to unmask]