Dear Kathy,

Take heart!  There will be a workshop next February to spear more momentum
for Baby Friendly efforts in the United States.  Breastfeeding Support
Consultants has invited Minda Lazarov to facilitate a preconference workshop
next February 28th on Baby Friendly to preceed BSC's North American
Conference in Nashville.  We're not sure how the day will unfold at this
point and I'm sure Minda would welcome any thoughts from Lactnetters on how
to give the best punch to the message.  If anyone needs Minda's phone number
or address, e-mail me privately.  I know she would enjoy hearing from you.

BSC continues to promote Baby Friendly efforts in our courses, as I'm sure
other educators are doing as well.  While it may seem to be a grass roots
effort at the present time, we are all aware that the very promotion of
breastfeeding started at the same level. We're trying to reverse decades of a
bottle feeding culture.  In the great scheme of things, we can all take pride
in our participation in this effort.  There may be times of discouragement
and frustration.  But if we keep our focus on our goal, we can achieve it.

Gee, I'm not sure where all that hype came from.  Probably my way of getting
myself focused on the revision of Counseling the Nursing Mother.  Yes,
believe it or not, Candy Woessner and I are finally embroiled in a major
revision of the book.  Keep positive thoughts coming our way.  We hope it
will be out before the end of the year (in the publishing world that is quite
an ambitious goal!).


Judi Lauwers
BSC Executive Director