This will be a very elemental piece of knowledge for many of you more
experienced breastfeeding supporters/promoters/protectors.  But.  I read
Carla D.'s post few week ago with interest.  Because--

I have had my first hand experience with "milk threads", "milk noodles",
"milk plugs" ---  what do you call them??  What exactly are they?  I know
they are breastmilk but are they are particular component of milk? Are they
white  cells cuz the "milk thread" I saw looked clear.  Is it like the milk
scum on the top of warmed milk?  Does the warmth of the breast + stasis
congeal it?  What is it?  How do the babie handle these - just swallow
them??  Do they usually hang 1/2 In 1/2 Out of the nipple pore so that you
have to pull them out?

I have heard/read it related to plugged ducts and with milk blisters or
"blebs".  In one of the LLL booklets (Susan M.) it was described as
sometimes coming out with a green mucous discharge. That women with a
propensity for rapid epitheal growth/skin tags it may be more of a problem.

My experience:  G2 P2 (this last was twins) C/S at 36wks for breech twin A
at time of labor.  Mom readmitted twice after discharge for fever.  2nd
time she presented to ER with fever and painful L. brst.  It was determined
that she had endometrosis/seroma with mastitis.

 The twins were not readmitted with mom cuz they had colds (whole family
had colds).  So mom pumped.  I was asked to see her on day 3 of her
hospitalization.  She had developed blisters on the end of her nipples.
Mostly clear but some white.   Within in the last 24 hours, they had opened
along with these milk threads.  Mom initially discarded the milk but then
we told her to strain and send home the milk (as it was the care plan).
She saved one for me to see.  Boy, was I EXCITED!!!  Poor mom, in her
effort to maintain her supply had cranked the pump full blast and was
pumping each breast 20+ minutes.  No wonder the blisters.  She applied
moist heat, turned the pump down, pumped more often for shorter durations
and the situation began to resolve (also some L___h)

Anyway, if people think this is too rudimentary for most lactnetters, I
would appreciate private email response. Please let me know your

Christine Palmer, Mill Valley CA