
Sometimes I'm reading these wonderful messages in LACTNET and I'm anxious
to share our experience, but the language barrier is hard and I give up.

But, I loved these depoiments on children and dolls.

I have a little girl (8 years old) and she always breastfed her dolls.
Unfortunately this is very rare in Brasil. Almost all dolls have bottles
and usually children "give bottles" to their " babies".

We support a breastfeeding group of very poor women, we were worried
looking for a way to help to get better their lives, meanwhile they
promote breastfeeding in the community. We realize that some of them are
needlewomen (I don't know if is correct this word), so, we had a good idea:
they could to produce dolls that "give natural birth and breastfeed".

This is a very interesting experience, because, the women could increase
their family income and at the same time, they are promoting breastfeeding
among the children (the dolls are used as educational material for teachers,
as well.)

I think that was a criative manner we found to have another kind
of dolls to our children, and not just "bottlefeeding dolls".

Denise Arcoverde
Grupo Origem
WABA Brasil