On Fri, 1 Mar 1996, katherine a. dettwyler wrote:

  Her baby is 2 months old, exclusively breastfed, healthy, happy,
> gaining well (also beautiful!), BUT she spits up a lot.

In my youthful life, when training in pediatrics, we use to work under
the moto :"If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Seems that the moto has

However, reflux, to my knowledge, is part of growing up for a baby. Most
babies will spit up until age about 8 months, and even then, if you shake
them well enough (playfully...), they will spit up laughing. Bothersome ?
absolutely. Dangerous ? Absolutely not, unless if the child does not gain
well, is not happy, or healthy. A baby spitting up and smiling right
before and after is not sick and does not need treatment, IMHO.

Another case of abnormalizing the normal ...

Louise Denhez, MD, MPH