My two co-Leaders and I are die-hard Laura Ingalls Wilder fans - have the books
memorized, do certain things because Ma did it that way, give our kids treats
 and tell them that's what treats Laura and Mary got...
Imagine my disgust when I picked up the newly-published Baby Book and Photo
album (can't remember the exact titles - something like "Little House Baby
Book") and found:
In photo album, a whole page entitled "My bottle."
In baby book, feeding/sleeping sections with emphasis on schedule, how baby
reacted to bottle, first sleeping through night, style of crib...
Ok, I know these are produced for the (un)popular culture.  Still, I doubt that
Ma used bottles or worried too much about schedules!

Beth Hilleke              [log in to unmask]
2425 Spring Garden St.   Charleston, SC 29414-5535   803-556-6131