I read the rehydration info with intrest, and will keep in
mind. Often when I have had or seen sick children, one of the first signs
of illness is the nursing increases, then they have diarrhea  or vomiting.
So sometimes the milk production is on its way up sooner.
           This situation comes to mind: a gestational diabetic mom with a
large newborn, baby wanted to sleep alot, latched and nursed ok. but a
slow, sleepy, nurser. She nursed every 2 hr but sometimes as long as 4+
hrs., mom inclined to let baby sleep.  Mom gets breast infection, and she
takes an antibiotic, the baby has green diarrhea-like bowel movements
shortly after mom is on antibiotics.
      After maybe 1-2 days the baby slept almost continously. She would
latch suck lightly and fall asleep, mother sought help at this point, Dr at
hospital said antibiotic did not, could not have caused a problem, His
advice, mother should wean and give ABM only , mom is a dedicated
experienced nursing mom  so refuses this advice. Mom  pumped and tried to
use supplemental nurser set-up after a few days baby nurses on one side for
a few feedings a day but still very sleepy. Supplementer broke, mom starts
using bottles, and because it seems as if they have hit a platue she
decides to give ABM, in the afternoon, when the baby was most likely to
sleep the most at the breast. Eventually the baby had more normal levels or
awake-sleep time and had the ability to say awake through some nursings,
mom stopped pumping after 6 months. This baby is nearly a year old now and
doing fine, she nurses and eats table food and is developing well.
        I am still trying to figure out just exactly what went on with this
baby.  My best guess is the baby was having some low bloodsugar, and
sleeping alot, maybe she was just marginal on getting enough to eat then
she got diarrhea ( I still think as a result of the antibiotic) and became
lethargic as a result.  Since rehydration therapy was not tried, I don't
know if it would have helped.  What rehydration supplement would have been
approprate? Any other comments?   Sharon Hodges-Rust, DEM