My mother-in law swears that my husband had a mild case of chicken pox when
he was six weeks old and his sister had a full blown case.  But, when my
husband was 38 years old he got a full blown case of chicken pox- two weeks
after we had been to a LLLI Conference with several thousand in attendance.
The kids didn't get it them, but 4 years later-after we attende another LLLI
conference all 4 kids got full blown cases of chicken pox.  Exactly two
weeks later.  I guess that when you have several thousand folks-lots of them
kids-in one place at one time- you're bound to "get" something!   My 5th
child got them last year and hadn't been to a LLL conference near the time
of his break-our.  I broke out in chicken-pox when I was 3 years old on a
plane in the middle of the Pacific Ocean!    Nancy Sherwood  Perth, Australia