A mom of a 2 1/2 month old BF boy
>took him to the ped. for his 2 mo. check up.  Mom mentions to dr.that baby
>has b.m. every 2 to 3 days.  Dr. does digital rectal exam and diagnoses
>"congenital rectal obstruction".  Mom tells dr. that baby is having no pain
>with b.m.'s and no trouble with b.m.'s, normal breastmilk stools. Dr. says
>it's necessary to do the following procedure: he must insert a gloved finger
>in the baby's rectum and that it will bleed a little, just like when a woman
>has intercourse for the first time.  Parents are to repeat procedure every
>day for two weeks and it will be corrected.

If doing it once a day for two weeks corrects it, then obviously bowel movements will do the same, right?

If he is not straining and the poops are soft, then obviously there is no evidence of obstruction, right?