Hi, all!

Had a conversation with a mom today who had delivered a 23 week (gestational
age) male infant who's twin was delivered 5 days earlier and died.  In the
course of the conversation, it was mentioned that she had delivered
vaginally without an epidural, because, she was told, an epidural would be
too risky to use with such a small baby.  I found this to be very
interesting...if there is such an element of risk involved in using an
epidural in a mom delivering a preterm infant, wouldn't one think the HCP's
would realize that there's also a risk for the full term infant?

These things never cease to amaze me!!!!  I'm just frustrated at this
situation as this hospital uses this advertising gimmick to expectant
parents to experience a "painless" (my quotes) childbirth.

Melody Engberg, IBCLC, LLLL
Methodist Alliance Health Serv.
Memphis, TN