I attempted to respond to Phyllis's request for info on unilateral bfg
post-mastectomy on opposite breast.  The msg. bounced so I am posting to the
list in hopes it gets to you.

>Dear Phyllis, I am sure others will post with ref. and there are some in
>journals like Cancer, and others.  K. Auerbach speaks at the Rush School of
>Nursing Cancer meetings about this time every yr. and the bibliography is
>full of all sorts of refs. about preg. and lact. post-treatment.  I don't
>have the bib. home, but I went to the meeting in Chicago last winter and it
>was great.
>I am posting because I have worked with a woman who fully lactated several
>yrs. after mastectomy.  She had early prob. with cracked nipple -- simple
>postitioning issues.  Using one breast to feed one baby is the same idea as
>nursing twins.  There is no contraindication if mother's cancer is in
>remission, she is not currently on any toxic meds etc.  and she feels well
>and wants to.
>Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSE, IBCLC
>priv. pract. Austin, Tx