
>She started on an antibiotic and it seemed to work, no more fever, chills
>etc. >but there is still an area of wicked redness, it felt and looked
>swollen and >tender to the touch.

What antibiotic did she take?  And did she take ALL OF IT?  (for as long as
she was supposed to)

I would look at the obvious first.  Was the supposed mastitis adequately
treated?  Did she take an appropriate antibiotic to do the job?  (And by
the way - what does everyone see working the best these days?)  Did she
fully comply with the treatment?  (It can be easy to sort of forget to take
it once you feel better.)

What about warm compresses and frequent nursing?  Do we still recommend
that?  She sounds like a busy lady - did she take time out to get better?
Antibiotic are good stuff when indicated but they aren't magic.  Maybe she
needed to lay around in bed a few days and do some marathon nursing, too.

Well - just some thoughts I had.

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