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From:   Melissa  L. Brancho, 104024,475
TO:     Lactnet Subscribers, INTERNET:[log in to unmask]
DATE:   2/23/96 4:13 PM

RE:     Copy of: Serious Burnout!

Hello!  My name is Melissa Brancho.  I am a Lactation Consultant waiting to
become certified (I am still working on my education at present).  I have a
problem that I am sure I share with many of you.

I live in a very remote area where the birth rate at our local hospital is only
250 births a year.  Approximately 51% of the women who are pregnant leave this
county and go to the next to have their babies.  The local hospital has a 49%
C-section rate.  If you think that's bad, they have signs posted throughout the
nursery "Do not refer to (mother-to-mother groups)."  Other than myself, this
group of 4 women are the only people who do not discourage bf.  I have tried to
donate the use of equipment and my services twice and been rejected by the
entire OB-GYN Staff (Pediatrics included). Their reply was that they do their
own bf education and assistance. NOT!  Why are moms coming to me bf every 6-8
hours at 3 weeks postpartum!  (This mom never was explained what "feed on
demand" actually meant.  Baby recovered though, thank God!)  It's hard to
believe but very true!  They are doing a great job if you own stock in a formula
company.   I can not believe it!

Recently, I was working with a mother who had twins.  This was a visit to help
her with positioning and other issues.  The only Doctor who doesn't go out of
his way to discourage breastfeeding was telling her to discontinue breastfeeding
the twins and put them on formula because they were jaundiced (10) and bf would
make it worse.  She refused to do so and did leave the hospital because of it.
When the twins were seen by him again, he told her how putting them on the
formula cleared up the jaundice just like he said it would!  She promptly
corrected him!  Is it like this everywhere?

I love breastfeeding and I love helping people discover and learn to breastfeed
but what do you do when everyone around you is working against you?  I have had
an entire year like this and have dealt well with it until now.  I just am out
of fuel and very discouraged.  If you have ANY suggestions on how to improve my
situation or get back to a healthier state of mind, please let me know them!
The nearest IBCLC is over 65 miles away and is extremely hard to reach.  I will
be attending an ILCA affilate group at the end of March for the first time but I
need help now.  Help!  You're all I have!

Melissa Brancho     104024.475@ compuserve.com