Hello all on both lists:

I thought those of you who have been following the saga of Ezzo in
Bloomington, Indiana would like be interested in a recent surprising
development.  The local Ezzo instructor who had attended an LLL meeting
and who has been badmouthing LLL to her students called one of my
co-Leaders today to ask about getting accredited as an LLLL.  Evidently
she decided she wanted to become an LC, and called the IBCLE which
suggested LLL as a pathway to becoming an IBCLC.  My co-Leader discussed
parenting philosophies for a while and then said she would forward some
information regarding LLLL prerequisites, etc.  We suspect she will reach
her own conclusions soon enough about her suitability as an LLLL, but we
are hoping that if we treat her seriously and with respect that she will
at least come away with a more positive view of LLL and stop the

The frightening (to me) side of all this is that she genuinely sees the
Ezzo program as a revelation from God (she discovered it before her
fourth child was born after praying for relief from the burnout she had
been experiencing with her other kids).  I feel her desire to become an
LC is a mission to "spread the Good Word" rather than a desire to become
educated about lactation.  I'm sure she sees it as a way to *help*
mothers, but...

I will keep y'all informed as things continue to develop.

Penny Piercy, LLLL, MOM (Patrick 4/6/93 and baby 9/96)
     from Bloomington, IN  ***   [log in to unmask]>