Hello all,

Thanks to all who answered my question about the mom w. epilepsy.  I
appreciate all the input!

In  my work as a doula and childbirth educator I met a pregnant mother whose
partner is from Uruguay.  They drink a tea, MATE which I know has caffeine
and tannin.  Does anyone have any more information about mate, specifically,
how safe is it on the developing fetus, and what are the effects on lactation
and the breastfeeding infant?  Is it similar to coffee? Stronger?

Also, another pregnant mother has had gestational diabetes since 14 weeks
pregnant and is wondering about the ingredient, 'sorbitol' or 'menitol'
 which are sweeteners in diabetic chocolate.  What would the effects on an
unborn baby be?

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

For the person (sorry, lost that post) who wondered about chiropractic care
for newborns in relation to latch-on and other breastfeeding problems,  we
(Birth and Bonding Center) refer mothers whose babies have experienced birth
trauma such as forceps, long time in birth canal, vacuum extractions, etc. to
an Osteopath.  She does very gentle sacro-cranial and other work on babies.
 I've watched her work and couldn't really see that she was doing much - in
other words, it was gentle and non-intrusive.   Usually the babies love it!
 We have seen success with latch-on difficulties, colic, and other problems.
 Sometimes if a baby was large, the birth was difficult and perhaps assisted,
that baby may be unable to turn its head all the way to one side, the head
may be lopsided or swollen (for a month or more after birth) and the baby may
be unable to open its mouth wide.  After a couple of sessions with the
Osteopath there is usually improvement. I've seen the same good results with
chiropractic too.

Thanks all of you for all your wisdom and caring.  Janaki Costello,  IBCLC,