There are three excellent articles  on premature infants and human milk
feeding in: Seminars in Perinatology Vol 18 No 6 ( December 1994),
 Breastfeeding in the Hospital Lawrence Gartner MD, guest editor.

"Human milk for the Hospitalized Preterm Infant," by Rishard Schandler and
Nancy Hurst (476-484)

"Digestion and the Premature Infant: The Effects of Human Milk,"  by Margit
Hamosh (485-494)

"Immonological Protection of the Premature Newborn by Human Milk," by Armond
Goldman et al ( 495-499)

The entire volume is an excellent resource. It is absolutely packed with
useful information for the many "hospital problems" LC's see. It should be a
welcome part of any LC's library Contact WB Saunders Co for reprints.
Hope I didn't break any rules here, but I found this information invaluable.
Marie Davis